Sponsor for The 240 Project annual art exhibition
Silver has supported The 240 Project over the last decade. Their annual art exhibition provides the platform for the Charity to shine a light on the talents of their members and the incredible outcomes achieved by everyone associated with it.
The 240 Project Annual Exhibition Preview event took place last week was a wonderful event. It was well attended and enjoyed by the many friends and guests of the charity, the artists and Silver. Thank you to everyone who came along to support this event.
There was a real sense of excitement and warmth that was palpable when you arrived that evening, which reflects the strong bonds and friendships between the 240 Project team – the volunteers, mentors and the artists, who regularly meet during the week at the charity hub currently housed in a church hall in the Latimer Road.
For those who couldn’t join us, so that you don’t miss out, please click here to see some of the fantastic works of art and snippets from the event.