The Willows, Extra Care Home, Brent

60 unit new purpose-build extra care development with amenity and care facilities.

The redevelopment of The Willows Care Home site is part of the London Borough of Brent’s New Accommodation Independent Living (‘NAIL’) Programme Regeneration, which aims to deliver new accommodation options for people with high care and support needs, including extra care housing.

The Council’s overarching brief for The Willows Care Home site was to provide 60+ extra care dwellings with associated amenity and care facilities in an exemplary model of new purpose-built extra care housing. The accommodation is built to meet the high-quality standards and is well designed to promote residents’ wellbeing and maximise their independence in line with best practice principles of designing homes for older adults.

Silver was appointed as Employer’s Agent and Cost Consultant at the outset of the project and our Team have enjoyed working collaboratively with our client and the design team throughout all phases of this development from the design and specification through to completion and handover.

We were also appointed as Principal Designer during the design and specification phases, attending design team meetings to review information and guide the team relating to any potential risk to close out at an early stage. Our Principal Designer also formulated the CDM pre-construction information for inclusion within the invitation to tender and contract documents.

Photography by Rachel Payne, Associate, Employer’s Agent, Silver

London Borough of Brent

Employer’s Agent
Cost Consultant
Principal Designer