South Thamesmead Regeneration, Phase 2

Multidisciplinary services to delivery 329 units from masterplan cost consultancy and planning, through to construction completion for 137 affordable homes.

This complex development integrates into the wider Thamesmead Regeneration project, where Silver have successfully completed the construction of Phases 1A and 1B, the library and community building

Whilst Phases 1A and 1B were nearing completion, Silver were appointed as cost consultant and project manager to undertake a full feasibility and viability review of the scheme which held an outline planning permission, with the brief to optimise the design to ensure we achieve their internal stakeholders updated requirements, as well as ensuring efficiency in design, without triggering the need for an S73 Application. The optimisation process was concluded in six months and resulted in yielding a gain of three dwellings whilst reducing the overall build cost estimate.

Following successful validation, we are appointed to act on behalf of Peabody to deliver London Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership units comprising of flats and town houses across three blocks as part of the Affordable Homes Development Agreement.


Cost Consultant
Project Management