We are delighted to share that handovers of the first affordable and market sale residential properties Peabody’s Southmere has now completed. This significant milestone marks completion of the first phase of development forming part of Peabody’s masterplan to deliver more than 1,600 new homes. Working with Peabody and Durkan, handover of this phase included 130 high quality and energy efficient dwellings, commercial space, an energy centre and District Heat Network sized to serve c.860 dwellings, a fabulous central square with a beautiful fountain, and ample amenity space.
Our Employers Agent Daniel Smith was able to take advantage of the amazing weather we had last week to take photographs of the impressive new square and library set next to the recently refurbished and picturesque Southmere lake, which will provide leisure and relaxation for the new residents. Also, Dan has captured the high quality finish to the apartment blocks, townhouses and the shared garden and play spaces.
Silver is appointed as Employer’s Agent, Cost Consultant and Client CDM Advisor for Southmere Phase 1 which started construction two and half years ago. We also provided design management, cost consultancy, Principal Designer and project management as part of our #pre-construction services, working with Peabody from the early planning stages to submit the successful planning application for this phase and masterplan of this major regeneration project.